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The people you recruit and onboard should be a good fit for your company. You need the right managers and leaders for your team. With a myriad of experiences, our talent acquisition consultants will give you a business edge over your competitors. You can rely on our human insight to discern and assess each candidate’s potential during the selection process.

There with you
every step of the way

At Aspri, we believe that we are “not all things to all men” and we focus on what we know and do best. We specialize in talent acquisition for the corporate compliance and accountancy industries. We will manage each aspect of the recruiting process:

Drafting the job description for your approval

Sourcing from various professional platforms and network


Planning the interview questions


Be present with you during the interviews


Negotiation of the final offer


Sealing the deal


Crafting the Job Description
is not a simple task

The job role and responsibilities can only be defined after you have identified the skills, knowledge, and experience gap that you need to fill. During the process of writing the job description, our consultant will also bear in mind what your potential candidates are looking for, and identify where to source for them. The key components that should be included in a job description are:

Job Title
Academic qualifications
Work experiences and skills
Compensation and benefits

Before the Gig_edited_edited_edited_edit

Your people are the
lifeblood of your company

Effective talent acquisition as a service involves devising a recruitment strategy. It is not merely an administrative function of handing out a standard job description or a checklist to your HR personnel to perform the recruitment exercise.

People are the lifeblood of an organisation, and it is the people that can give an organisation its competitive edge against all odds. Therefore, finding and hiring the right people is a crucial element in the company’s corporate strategies and the success of recruiting the right person can directly affect the company’s future success.


If you already have your HR department, we can operate in partnership with your existing talent acquisition team or as an alternative resource. We are flexible and adaptable in helping you to build a talent pipeline to future-proof your business.

Having the right talent is crucial for any organization. Finding one is a challenge, to begin with. Let us be your partner in the search.

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